As you all know, I am dieting, I have been on the Fat Smash Diet for 2 weeks now. I have successful dropped 9 pounds, and 8oz of BMI. I thought that was a really good start, and we are celebrating Memorial Day with Brian's fire department buddies. So, today, I thought I would go get a new outfit to wear to the cookout. I think I tried on everything @Target, and nothing absolutely nothing looked good. So, instead of coming home and going for a walk or eating a carrot, what did I do???? I went to Sonic and ordered a cheeseburger and tots, and a small chocolate milk shake. And to top it all, I also bought some oreos for a snack for home group. Well, home group was cancelled, but the oreos were not cancelled because I ate some of those, too and washed them down with a big glass of milk (2% of course;)). So, I fell off the wagon, but I'm getting back on tomorrow. I tried to redeem myself by doing some Yoga, haha! The whole time the yoga instructor was saying to "relax....push all your tension into the ground," Jackson was crying and screaming to get out of his pack-n-play. And then, our crazy tv turned off all by itself. "SERENITY NOW" So, I did not finish the Yoga either. Whatever! Everyone has an off day, I guess. The good news is that so far I have lost 9 lbs and at least I attempted the Yoga!
The love in your heart wasn't put there to say--Love isn't love till it's given away.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
I fell off the WAGON...
As you all know, I am dieting, I have been on the Fat Smash Diet for 2 weeks now. I have successful dropped 9 pounds, and 8oz of BMI. I thought that was a really good start, and we are celebrating Memorial Day with Brian's fire department buddies. So, today, I thought I would go get a new outfit to wear to the cookout. I think I tried on everything @Target, and nothing absolutely nothing looked good. So, instead of coming home and going for a walk or eating a carrot, what did I do???? I went to Sonic and ordered a cheeseburger and tots, and a small chocolate milk shake. And to top it all, I also bought some oreos for a snack for home group. Well, home group was cancelled, but the oreos were not cancelled because I ate some of those, too and washed them down with a big glass of milk (2% of course;)). So, I fell off the wagon, but I'm getting back on tomorrow. I tried to redeem myself by doing some Yoga, haha! The whole time the yoga instructor was saying to "relax....push all your tension into the ground," Jackson was crying and screaming to get out of his pack-n-play. And then, our crazy tv turned off all by itself. "SERENITY NOW" So, I did not finish the Yoga either. Whatever! Everyone has an off day, I guess. The good news is that so far I have lost 9 lbs and at least I attempted the Yoga!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Almost There...
Well, all of the flowerbeds are tilled and we have planted the Japanese Maple, the Hostas, the Otto Lukins, the sky pencil (holly brushes), and some day lillies, and moved the crepe myrtle to the back yard along with one of the original hollies, the other hollies are on the west side of the house. It looks so beautiful and I am so excited. The next step will be to plant the roses and the hydrandeas and azealas. Then it will be done and we will have the YARD OF THE MONTH. I must say how proud of Brian he has been working like a slave in those flowerbeds. He looks so cute working out there with his shirt off and his fireman boots on. How lucky am I??? One thing that I have loved since we planted everything, I put Jackson in the swaddler and we water the flowers together. He likes to yell @ the waterhose, he is soooo cute.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Brian and I did something kinda funny, he was looking through a magazine and found a real estate add with some details that we had to share. So I mailed the add to The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. So every Monday night he does a bit called headlines. the crazy add read 4 bedroom, bath, PLAYROOM WITH PUB! We thought this was a way to keep all the kids happy, if they get thirsty when they are in the playroom, well they can just have a drink in the pub. So if you are watching headlines, and see that one, just know that Brian and I sent it in.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Tomorrow's a new day...
Well, summer is here and I want to get into shape. So, 8 months ago I gave birth and today I am just a big as when we can home from the hospital. Everyone said oh, if you breast feed the weight will fall right off, what a lie! I am still nursing and still fat. I have always heard that if you write down your goals then it is more likely that you will accomplish said goals. So I am writing them....I am challenging myself to loose my baby weight! I have so many cute summer clothes that I can't fit into, and that just sucks! I am starting the Fat Smash Diet, so for the next 9 days, all fruits and veggies, water, and nothing white(bread, sugar, rice and so on). Good luck me! I will not be posting my weight, that is a secret that only me, the scale and God know, and that is how it will stay. I am such a sweet-a-holoic, and I really need to get a handle on it, before it is out of control. I want to feel beautiful and self confident again! I am tired of hiding behind Jackson in photos, I will hold him so that he is covering up my big jumbo belly, isn't that so sad. So, here meat, or sweets starting tomorrow. Bye-Bye big momma belly! P.S. Brian thanks for the support and for always making me feel beautiful, even when I don't look my best. I love you.
Friday, May 11, 2007
soap operas not just for girls
I have been thinking about this for a while now, and I was wondering why are "day time" tv shows called soap operas, but "Stargate" SG-1, Atlantis, which I might add have been on air for 10 years, is not considered a soap opera. I know so much about this not because I watch it, but Brian tivos it and every time he gets a chance he is glued to the tv, like right now for example. I am not complaining that he has a favorite show, and I am not a soap watcher myself, I just think it is funny that girl shows are soaps and boy show are not...just a thought!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Stop and smell the Roses...
I am so excited, finally we are landscaping our flowerbeds. Yeah! My sweet husband, or I could say, my sexy lawn boy, broke ground in the back yard. It is going to look so beautiful! We are putting roses in the back and hydrangeas in the front. My two favorites. All the plans are layed out and it is going to look amazing! We are starting from scratch, moving all the holly bushes. Did I mention that I am excited?!!! The flowerbeds have been a goal of mine since we moved in. I want a romantic garden like lawn. I love our home and this will add to it a million times. And working on this together with Brian will make me so happy. I will be posting the progress photos and the before and afters. Until then, don't forget to stop and smell the roses.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
He's so awesome!
It is sooooo cool watching Jackson grow and change and learn new things every single day. So today it seems like a million new things happened. He said "mommy" for the 1st time, normally he says "ma-ma" or "uh-ma", but not today, it was mommy! He also has started to notice pictures of himself hanging on the wall, and I will hold him in front of those pictures, and say "where's the baby?" and he will have the biggest smile on his face, or he will talk to it, or point. So I gave him a photo of himself to play with and he loves it. He kisses it and pats it and bites it. He is so awesome. He also had a big fall today as well. He loved to pull up on the coffee table(which makes me nervous) and he usually has pretty good balance. But somehow he lost his footing and fell head first(of course) into the draw pull. It left a small knot and scrape. No blood, just lots of crying. I was freaking out inside, but stayed strong on the outside so he would not be more upset. I know that babies are going to fall, but it is still heartbreaking to see your little angel fall. So good and bad I love to watch him turn into his own little person. I am very blessed and thankful to be able to stay @home with him! I am looking forward to what tomorrow has in store.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Dog Gone...
Well, today turned out to be a sad day. Pedro our 5 year old shih-tzu has been a member of our family for going on 3 years now. He was a stray and one Sunday night we found him in our back yard. He was all knotted, and dirty, and looked like he had been in a fight or two. So we rescued him, and took him the vet where he had surgery on his left eye, and lacerations taken care of on his neck. We, fell in the love with the little cutie. He was like my little baby, he kept me company while my hero was fighting all those fires. Pedro took every step I took, cute, huh?! Well, we always had trouble with him when we would have to leave the house. He had a major MAJOR case of separation anxiety, and would have accidents in the floor. This as you can guess got very old very fast, we tried everything. From keeping him in a create, laundry room, free run of the house Nothing seems to help! But we loved him so much that we kept our hopes up that something would change. So, we got a baby gate and this way he could have room in the kitchen and dinning area, but he could not get on my oriental rug, that Brian gave me for a wedding present. Oh, and did I mention it was over $3000. and Pedro had stained it already. Yeah. Well, the baby gate at least did do some good. But still Pedro always had issues.
And then round 2.....I got pregnant. We watched an episode of The Dog Whisper and he talked about how to teach your dogs to respect the baby's space, and show the dog that the baby is the "pack leader." So we trained Pedro that he was not allowed into the baby's nursery. Even before the baby was born, Pedro knew he had to stop @ the door. And he would just sit in the hall and watch us while we where in the baby's room. But it was a whole new ball game when Baby J finally arrived. Pedro, wanted our attention so much, was always acting up. He started chewing on our dinning room chairs, they are destroyed now, he pooped in the baby's room the 1st week we were home from the hospital. But what did we do, we had hope that Pedro would come around, and we knew the baby would be a big adjustment for him.
It has now been 8 months since the baby has been born, and Pedro still is having issues. Now Jackson is on the go crawling and cruising around everywhere. And once a few weeks ago, Brian and Jackson where on the couch and Pedro was up there too. And Jackson leaned over toward Pedro, wanting to touch him. Well, Pedro snapped @him. Pedro got in a lot of trouble. Well, today, Jackson was just crawling past Pedro, not even trying to touch him and he snapped@ his face..Luckily for Pedro he didn't bite Jackson! So, 2 strikes, your out! I called my mom and asked her if she wanted to adopt Pedro. She asked me when did I want her to pick him up and I said as soon as you can get here. Then, I began to pack all of his belongings. She was here within the hour, and I said my goodbyes, and now we are DOG-LESS.
I miss his sweet little face looking up at me, and how he would snuggle with me anytime he got the chance. I am sitting on the couch right now, and I feel like any minute he will rum in here and jump up on the couch beside me. I loved it when it was time for bed and I would say, Pedro, let's go night-night. And no matter what he was doing, when he heard me say that he would jump up and run to the bedroom. He also loved Brian and he knew Brian's schedule, he would lay by the door and wait for him to come home. Sometimes he would lay there and whine, so I would have to open the door and let him go into the garage and look around to make sure Brian was not in there. He would get so nervous when it was storming outside and on 2 different occasions he jumped into the bathtub while I was taking a bath, because he was so nervous. Everyone loved him, and he loved everyone....except Jackson. And that is why he is no longer living @ this address. I really am going to miss him. But it will be better in the long run, I don't want to take the chance of him biting Jackson or any of my friends kids, and I don't want Jackson to be scared of dogs. And I don't want to be unfair to Pedro. Since the 1st snapping occurrence I have been very scared that Pedro would do it again, and that is one worry I am happy and relieved not to have anymore. I guess this is my sad day in a nut shell. Goodbye Pedie Boy I love you and will miss you a lot. I enjoyed our time together.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
The Zoo
Yesterday, we had the best day, ever! My family and I went to the zoo for the 1st time. I had not been to the zoo since I was a little girl, and now taking my son, I could not have been more excited. Baby J loved all the animals, the monkeys loved him, it was like they couldn't figure out what was in the stroller. And as I fed a banana to Jackson, the monkeys watched with great intent. Like they wanted to say "hey, where's ours." And the panda was walking around and eating. He was right down on Jackson's level, so I think he really liked to see the active panda. It is so wonderful to be a mom, and watching your child experience things for the 1st time. It is almost like it is the 1st time for me as well. If the zoo was this much fun, I can't wait until we can go to Walt Disney World. I love my family and I will never forget, Jackson's first trip to the zoo. Amazing!
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